The Future of Manufacturing: Customizable, Flexible, Efficient

At Plantopo, we love 3D printing beacuse it gives us lots of possibilities as designers. But 3D printing, also know as additive manufacturing, offers several environmental benefits compared to traditional production methods.

Material Efficiency

Traditional manufacturing often involves subtractive processes where excess material is cut away from a larger block. In contrast, 3D printing uses additive manufacturing, which adds material only where it's needed, resulting in significantly less waste.

Reduced Energy Consumption

3D printing can be more energy-efficient than traditional manufacturing processes, particularly for small-scale production. This is because it doesn't require the same level of energy for tooling, machining, or transportation of heavy materials.

Localized Production

3D printing allows for on-demand and localized production, reducing the need for long-distance transportation of finished products. This can lead to lower carbon emissions associated with shipping and logistics.



With 3D printing, products can be customized and tailored to individual needs without increasing production costs. At Plantopo, everything is made to order. This reduces the likelihood of overproduction and excess inventory, which are common issues in traditional manufacturing.


Sustainable Materials

Many 3D printing materials are recyclable or made from renewable sources, further reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing. At Plantopo, we use a material specifically designed for FDM printing called PLA, or Poly-Lactic Acid. Unlike petroleum-based plastics which are derived from fossil fuels, PLA is a fully biodegradable bioplastic derived from plants.